What is the population of Aotearoa/New Zealand?

and the answer is:         


(Monday, 28 Sep 2009 at 01:19:32 pm)


Did you know in Aotearoa/New Zealand there is:

  • One birth every 8 minutes and 10 seconds.
  • One death every 16 minutes and 38 seconds.
  • A net migration gain of one Aotearoa/New Zealand resident every 26 minutes and 33 seconds.


 Want to know more?

Go to the Statistics New Zealand website at http://www.stats.govt.nz/ and you will find a wide range of free statistics about the economy, environment, industry and people of Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Use the quick links to find information and data relating to the Census of Population and Dwellings that is taken every five years. The census counts everyone in Aotearoa/New Zealand on census night, providing a ‘snapshot’ of our society at a point in time.

If you want to know more about any region, district or suburb in Aotearoa/New Zealand go into the 2006 Census data and click on QuickStats. Click on About a Place and find the region, district or suburb you want. Here you will find lots of interesting statistics, e.g. the population on census night, the  numbers of males and females, age groups, ethnic groups, languages spoken, marital status, educational qualifications, occupations, incomes, family types, household compositions, transport used, and access to phone and internet.




New Website

Now that the new website has been up for a wee while, we hope you have had a chance to look around and find all of your favourite bits and pieces again. If not, hopefully you’ve contacted us to get some help!

We thought we’d just point out a few of the newest additions to the site that you may or may not have found on your own.

First, if you are reading this it is hopefully because you found the Library Blog button on the LLIS homepage. Did you know that the top two announcements on the homepage are also the two most recent blog entries? Click on one, and you’ll go straight to the post.

Second, you have hopefully noticed too that you can now search the Library Catalogue directly from the LLIS homepage. It works just the same and you can use all of the usual tips and tricks (+, ?, etc.).  Or, if this is just a bit too different you can still go directly to the Catalogue to start your search. Just click on the double red arrows to the right of the search box or use the ‘Catalogue Search’ button on the lower righthand side of the page.

Finally, have a look through all of the menu tabs along the top of the page. See if you can find everything you usually need.

For instance, most of the Learning Services  handouts can now be found in the Learning Services tab under the Learning and Study Resources heading. Need help with your referencing? Follow the Referencing link under “How can we help with…”.

These are just a few of the changes made to the website. We hope that you have not only managed to find all of your usual pages and resources but that you have maybe found some new things or resources that you’d forgotten about!

Have we missed anything?

Location, location, location …….

Topo50 map BX24 - Christchurch
Topo50 map BX24 - Christchurch

A new 1:50,000 scale national map series is being launched today to replace the current Topographic NZMS260 map series.

The Topo50 map series has been developed to be compatible with international mapping systems, and modern navigational technologies such as GPS.

What are the differences between the Topo50 & NZMS260 maps?

The new maps will not cover the same area as the NZMS260 maps. Due to a change in format 297 NZMS260 maps will now be replaced with 452 new Topo50 maps.

The Topo50 map series uses a different projection, which means that someone reading a grid reference on the NZMS260 map will give quite a different reference to someone looking at the same geographical point on the Topo50 series. The difference is equivalent to an approximate 200 metre change in position.

It is recommended switching to Topo50 maps as soon as possible, as these will be the maps used by the emergency services from 23 September.

For more information, refer to the Topo50 website or LINZ (Land Information New Zealand).

What is Wolfram Alpha?

Is it a search engine like Google? Why don’t you ask it? Go to Wolfram Alpha and type in “What are you?”. Click here

wolfram alpha

This is an example of an Easter Egg hidden by the developers of Wolfram Alpha (the computational knowledge engine) for you to find.

Virtual Easter Eggs are not new and are defined by Wikipedia as “an intentional hidden message, in-joke or feature in an object such as a movie, book, CD, DVD, computer program, web page or video game”. Microsoft have even hidden some in their products such as Microsoft Office.

Some known Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs to try include asking the questions what is your name?, what is the meaning of life? or typing in Hello or I Love You.

I found the answer to does God exist? and who’s on first?. Can you discover some Easter Eggs on Wolfram Alpha? Questions related to Back to the Future, 2001 Space Odessey, Monty Python and various comic strip super heros seem to be popular with the Wolfram Alpha developers.

Post a comment if you find any for others to try.

Adult Learners Week He Tangata Matauranga


CPIT is celebrating Adult Learners Week this week by offering an ACE (Adult Community Education) programme that should appeal to a wide range of adult learners. The areas covered include, but are not limited to, art and design, languages, managing your money, life skills and Maori language/cultural studies courses.  These are all being offered at extremely attractive prices, so get in quick to secure your space!

For more information on the courses being offered, visit the Community Education page of the CPIT website.

Adult Learners Week is a UNESCO initative to celebrate adult learners.  40 countries currently celebrate the week with various activities and New Zealand has been taking part since 1998 as a way to encourage lifelong learning. The theme for this year, Learn for Today and Tomorrow E ako mo tenei ra me apopo, emphasises the direct impact learning has on not only those taking part but also on the wider community.

Output 09 CPIT Research Week 7-11 Sept

It is Research Week at CPIT. Check out the posters in the Atrium and the programme of oral presentations running Wednesday to Friday.

The Library actively supports staff in the research process through Liaison Librarians who work closely with Faculty.

Liaison Librarian can :

  • Provide a literature search.
  • Help with database searching.
  • Source material via interlibrary loan.
  • Help using Endnote software to manage your bibliograghic records.

Finished your research?

When you have finished remember to submit your research to the CPIT Research Respository.  


The Institutional Research Repository is linked to the New Zealand research repository K.R.I.S.  KRIS provides open-access to research documents produced at universities, polytechnics, and other research institutions throughout New Zealand, providing national and international exposure for NZ research. 

 If you want more information about this contact us or come and see us at the library.

Plumbing got you bogged down?

Christchurch was founded in 1850 on low-lying, swampy ground, drained by sluggish rivers. From 1875 until 1989, the Christchurch Drainage Board was responsible for draining Christchurch – for preventing stormwater flooding of streets and residences and for removing and treating sewage and industrial waste. From being New Zealand’s unhealthiest town in the 1870s, Christchurch became, by the 1980s, the country’s best drained city.  You will find more information, fascinating photographs and informative maps, in the following book  held in the CPIT library:

Wilson, J. (1989). Christchurch: Swamp to city: A short history of the    Christchurch Drainage Board 1875-1989. Lincoln, New Zealand: Te Waihora Press.      

For those of you with more pressing plumbing problems or interests, have a look at:

Bulkeley, B., Backhouse, A., Plumbing, Gasfitting and Drainlaying Industry Training Organisation, & South Western Sydney Institute of TAFE. (2009). Basic plumbing services skills: An introduction to plumbing, gasfitting and drainlaying.  Frenchs Forest, N.S.W. : Pearson Education New Zealand.   This book covers the fundamental skills and basic introductory knowledge for the plumbing, gasfitting and drainlaying industry in New Zealand.

Human usage of water: Taps and toilets.  (2003). [DVD].  Falls Chruch, VA Landmark Media.    This DVD explains how humans obtain water and examines a variety of water issues, including salinity and water supply treatment.