Exam help is on the way

Exams are looming but do not fret as Library and Learning Services have help on the way. Kickstarting the seminars off this coming friday (27th October) is a fabulous and timely session on doing better in exams.

All seminars are free and there is no need to book ahead, you can just come along on the day and go to as many seminars as you like.

Seminars 2017 term 4

Lets get moving

It’s that time of the year when pressure starts to build. The end of the year is fast approaching and you have so much to do to prepare for it and I’m not even mentioning christmas. I have found when I am stressed exercise helps. You don’t have to spend loads joining the gym, just start walking and incorporate that into your week.

After going for a walk with my daughter yesterday in the neighbourhood (to get some bread) I felt so much lighter in my mood. During the walk we said hello to various people, patted a couple of dogs and even spied a bush with a smiley face manicured into it (no really its true!). Get moving, I promise it will make you feel better.

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Conservation Week

It’s  Conservation Week from the 14th – 22nd of October. Get involved by protecting, growing, nurturing and caring for our nature. Take part in Conservation Week events by joining in with organised activities, or simply get working in your own garden.

The Department of Conservation is also involved in a movemment with the Mental Health Foundation –  Healthy Nature Healthy People that encourages us to use New Zealand’s natural spaces to maintain and improve our health and wellbeing. These spaces include land and water from our urban parks and beaches to our national parks, seas, lakes and wild rivers.

The movement seeks to reinforce and encourage the connections between a healthy environment and a healthy society. The principles are:

  • the wellbeing of all societies depends on healthy ecosystems
  • parks nurture healthy ecosystems
  • contact with nature is essential for improving emotional, physical and spiritual health and wellbeing, and
  • parks are fundamental to economic growth and to vibrant and healthy communities.

Whether you choose to get outside this week to tidy a few weeds in your garden or help with a larger group project such as the Travis Wetland Working Bee, take time to enjoy connecting with nature and with any luck we’ll have some more spring sunshine to do it in.




Mental Health Awareness Week 9-15 October

Mental Health Awareness Week 9–15 October 2017

World Mental Health Day 10 October

Nature is Key

Nature is key

“We’re encouraging Kiwis to stop thinking of nature as something locked away in national parks and forests but as the daisies on the berm, the tree outside the window and the vast, beautiful sky above.”

Research has shown that spending time in nature is great for mental and physical health. Spending time in nature:

  • Makes us happier and more optimistic.
  • Restores us when we’re feeling run-down.
  • reduces stress.
  • Improves concentration.
  • Improves life satisfaction.

On World Mental Health Day (10 October), we’re encouraging employers to lock their staff out of the office for an hour and give them the opportunity to connect with the ordinary nature around their workplace.

Ara is supporting the lockout, so join fellow students abd staff members outside the CPSA building/C block lawn for games, speed meet, activities and food from 11.30am-1.30pm.

Connect with others

  • Take part in the  Photo-a-day Challenge
  • Enjoy Yoga at Cathedral Square from 12.00pm – 1.00pm on 9th October
  • Join in the School of Wellbeing activities. Check out all the information on Campus Life here