How to Manage Stress in These Uncertain Times

Global pandemic. Millions infected. Lockdowns. Social distancing … These are scary and uncertain times indeed. But remember that you are still in control of your thoughts. By choosing to have sensible thoughts, you’ll be able to take positive actions. So, here are the simple things you can do to manage stress and stay strong: 

1)    Avoid information overload.

Most of the news nowadays, whether local, national or international, is about the virus. Often the news is negative and therefore distressing. So, it is wise to limit the amount of time you spend reading or watching the news on this topic. A good idea is to assign a fixed and limited amount of time every day to stay updated on the news. For example, you may decide to keep up with the news from 7 to 8 p.m. daily. At other times you really need to focus on doing the other things in your life.

2)    Let go of what’s beyond your control.

You need to rationalise that there is often little you can do to change the negative things that are happening around you. Leave the concerns and problem-solving to the relevant health and government authorities. Being overly concerned or worried is certainly not good for your physical and mental health.

3)    Stay calm.

We are all different, and so you need to know what calms you down. Does listening to soothing music help you to relax? Does talking to someone who understands helps you to feel better? Does taking a walk outside make you feel relaxed? Regularly doing what calms you down is so very important. Learn more about how to cope during these stressful times here

4)    Set aside time for breaks and hobbies.

Even when you have things to do and deadlines to keep, plan your time carefully to achieve a balance. Taking breaks helps you recharge your energy and become more effective in your study, work and other tasks. Having hobbies you enjoy lets you focus on the things you like doing and makes hobby time pleasant and enjoyable. Reduce stress and enjoy life with these 100 free or frugal activities. Be good to yourself.

5)    Stay healthy.

Looking after your health well is so very important in these uncertain times. Make sure that you have a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Need ideas? Here are 42 cheap and healthy recipes you can try.

Stay healthy by taking regular breaks and setting aside time for your hobbies. Stay in touch with those you get along with.

6)    Stay in touch.

Most of us cannot meet face to face with others due to social distancing. But you can still stay in touch with family, friends and colleagues through Skype, FaceTime, WhatsApp or other means. Talking about how things are going and what’s happening can often help you to feel better and more connected with others.

7)    Be kind to yourself and others.

You need to be more understanding with yourself and others. Many people are having to manage their lives and also to remain safe during these times. Do not expect too much of yourself – it is alright to feel concerned about the situation, as long as you take steps to prevent things from overwhelming you. If the people you know and others are not quite themselves, remain calm and be understanding. You do not know what others are going through. They are also trying their best to get through the day.

8)    Count your blessings.

Avoid becoming preoccupied with the global health, social and economic crisis.

Don’t forget the positives in your life. Remember to always count your blessings. Make a list of all the good things in your life. A positive thing can be as simple as having good health. Having a job that pays your bills. Having a lovely pet that makes you smile. Living in a pleasant neighbourhood. Having some good friends who understand you.

As you can see, it is not difficult for most people to make a list of what’s positive in their lives. Look at this list every day, and add to it. This will remind you of what is good – it gives you the perspective to better manage any worries or stress that you are facing.


There is certainly more to life than the pandemic. When you begin taking one or more of the above actions, you’ll be able to keep stress to a manageable level. Kia kaha!

Anzac Day 2020: #Stand at Dawn


This Saturday the 25th of April, 2020 is ANZAC Day.

ANZAC Day is the public holiday we have in New Zealand to honor those women and men both past and present who have served in the military services of our nation. Many did not return home so it only right that we remember them.

Anzac Day Crowd
A large crowd in the Strand, London on the first official Anzac Day in April 1916. (Getty Images)

ANZAC Day 2020 will be very strange indeed…because of the Covid 19 outbreak and subsequent lock-down this will be the first time since 1916 when there will be no public celebrations of the day anywhere in New Zealand or Australia.

The New Zealand Returned Services Association (RSA), Australian Returned Service League (RSL) in concert with both local and national authorities are promoting an alternative to the usual Dawn Service.RSALogo

This commemoration is titled:  #Stand at Dawn- apart but together as one. 

At 0600 hours on Saturday the 25th April they would like all New Zealanders & Australians to stand at their letterbox, at the end of their driveway, in their front yard or in their lounge as a way to commemorate the day.RSL-ColourGoldprint-Official



A national remembrance service will be broadcast by Radio New Zealand online and on the radio for those who wish to listen in.

This will truly be in the spirit of the ANZAC tradition as this event will be happening in Australia with the exact same format.

Join myself and the many millions of other Australians and New Zealanders both at home and around the world who will Stand at Dawn this Saturday.


Lest we forget…..

Please note that as ANZAC Day falls in the weekend this year Ara Library will be closed on Monday the 27th April but will be back from 8 am on Tuesday the 28th.

Even more ebook resources for Covid time from Elsevier, Proquest and EBSCO

Image: Pixabay

If you have searched Primo Library Search and your Subject Guide and still need a few more resources for your assignment you can also search the below sources which have been made available temporarily by our vendors for the Covid period.

  • Bloomsbury Fashion Central – Includes Berg Fashion Library, Fairchild Books Library, Fashion Photography Archive and Bloomsbury Fashion Business Cases. (Until 31/05/20)
  • EBSCO –  Faculty Select allows you to access quality open textbooks. Limit your search to OER and you will get a range of open access eBooks. This includes some New Zealand content. (Until 30/06/20)
  • EBSCO – Harvard Business Review Press Collection.  Includes over 600 eBooks. (Until 30/05/20)
  • National Emergency Library from Internet Archive – a temporary collection of books that supports emergency remote teaching, research, independent scholarship, and intellectual stimulation while universities, schools, training centers, and libraries are closed. This is a good place to look for an older edition of your textbook if you can’t access the latest edition.
  • Nursing and allied health textbooks from Wolters Kluwer available online (Wolters Kluwer have kindly extended our trial access from 25/5 until 25/6/20 although access may be delayed from 25/5/20 in the transition to the extended trial period.)
  • Proquest Ebook Central – The place to find many online textbooks with increased accessibility thanks to our Elsevier, Proquest, and EBSCO vendors (Full access ends on 30 June 2020 when some textbooks will revert to either 1 user or 3 user access). A nice feature of using Proquest Ebook Central is that a search shows both book results and chapter results. You can also access it from the Databases A-Z in Primo. Watch this 3 minute YouTube video on using Proquest Ebooks Central for more tips.
  • Proquest’s Research Companion– great tips in video format to tackle your research assignment (Available until 30 June 2020) .

So keep safe in your bubble and remember to email or use the Ask Live chat service if you need help.

Learning Remotely – Tips, Tricks, and Tools

In the next few weeks, we’ll all be facing new challenges: we’ll be moving everything that we used to do on campus to the online environment.

Learning online is not much harder from learning offline – it’s just different. We’re bringing you a few tips on how to make this transition smooth and hassle free. Let’s all work together so that we can come out of this experience stronger and wiser.

Make Sure You Have Good Internet Access

Good internet connection is essential for successful learning from home. You’ll need the internet to be fast enough to smoothly run calls and videos. You probably won’t need unlimited access, but it allows you to not stress about downloading all of the resources you need for your studies.

Install and Test Appropriate Software

Are your lectures going to be delivered via Zoom (see Ara’s Zoom Guide)? Or Webex? Is it installed in all devices that you’re going to use?

Make sure that you have installed all software that you’re going to need before the lectures start and make sure that you know how to use it.

Take Regular Breaks

Sitting behind a computer for a long time can bring with it new physical challenges. Make sure that you take regular breaks from your screen.

We can still go for walks in our local area, so this is something you should make the most of even if you don’t feel like walking. Walking and exercise actually do help you to learn in a more effective way and there is a lot of science behind it.

Take Care of Your Eyes: 20-20-20 Rule

Gazing at the screen all day is not exactly what our eyes are designed for. The 20-20-20 rule says that to avoid tired eyes, you should focus every 20 minutes for 20 seconds on an object that is 20 feet away.

Obviously you don’t have to run around with a tape measure to measure 20 feet (~6 meters) but you got the point. Application of this rule will prevent your eyes from getting tired.

Keep in Touch with Your Peers

Social contact via a screen is not as good as face to face, but it’s still much better than no contact at all. Establish regular meetings with your classmates. Try to make an online study group. It’ll help you to motivate yourself to study and succeed.

Get Rid of Distractions

I’m sure you already know that procrastination is not helpful. To learn new things, you need to focus as much of your attention as possible on what you’re learning. Each distraction reduces your chance of remembering what you’re trying to focus on. Identify what distracts you and put it away: your phone, TV etc.

Set Up a Specific Place to Study

Learning from your couch is a nice idea, but it might be more beneficial if you set up a specific place and time to study. This will help you to shake off the guilt of not studying all the time. It also helps you to relax during your breaks and to focus effectively during the time that you are actually studying.

Ask For Help if You Need it

If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for it. We all need help sometimes, especially in situations that are new to us as we might feel more vulnerable. To contact the library, email to or use AskLive.

All the best with your online learning!

Teaching Remotely – tips, tricks, and tools

Teaching remotely is here for at least the next few weeks – below are some tips and tricks, as well as tools to use as you move to online instruction.

Other resources:

More nursing and allied health online resources from Wolters Kluwer

In a previous blogpost we promoted our short term access to key nursing textbooks from Wolters Kluwer via our link to Ovid Books .

(Wolters Kluwer have kindly extended our trial access from 25/5 until 25/6/20 although access may be delayed from 25/5/20 in the transition to the extended trial period.)

You can also access this from the Books/Ebooks tab of the  NursingMidwifery and Osteopathy subject guides and from the Databases A-Z, all of which are available from the Primo Library Search tile in your My Ara app.

Library availability over the Easter break

Once again and despite the Covid 19 situation Easter is upon us.


No doubt Easter 2020 will be one to remember as we cannot do the usual things we would be doing at this time of the year…visiting our friends & family, going on vacation, Autumn trips into the back country or for those who are religious going to church.

Stay home this Easter….the outdoors will still be there after Covid 19 is defeated…

Despite our requirement to stay isolated we can still celebrate the holiday with those in our social bubble. This Easter break why don’t you plan a special Easter meal, go for a local walk/bike ride with your bubble, contact a friend or family member to check their status or just stay home & treat yourself to a stress free day or two.

Why not have a festive Easter meal over the holidays….

Here at Ara Library we will also be celebrating the Easter break so we will not be available from Friday the 10th April through to Tuesday 14th April. We will be monitoring our communication channels (both phone and online) but will not be able to answer any inquiries until the morning of Wednesday the 15th April.

From all of us here at Ara Library we wish you a happy Easter and we look forward to assisting you after the holidays.

Finally, please remember this Easter to stay home to fight COVID-19…


New ebooks – The Treaty of Waitangi Collection from Bridget Williams Books

We have just added The Treaty of Waitangi Collection of ebooks from Bridget Williams Books to  our ebook collection. This collection brings together leading thinking on this foundational document, including works by acclaimed scholars such as Claudia Orange, Judith Binney, Vincent O’Malley, Alan Ward and Aroha Harris.

BWB Collections platform  is built on the Amazon Web Services Cloud to provide an ultra-reliable service. Full book chapters regularly take just two seconds to load.

As well as key resources like Claudia Orange’s The story of a treaty and Anderson, Binney & Harris’s Tangata Whenua : a history, there is an Index to the Treaty of Waitangi Collection which enables readers to search by Iwi or Place.

You can access The Treaty of Waitangi Collection from the Tiriti o Waitangi page of every Subject Guide including the Ao Māori Subject Guide.

Each of the books in the BWB Collection are also individually catalogued in Primo Library Search e.g.

Best of luck with your studies.

Noho ora mai