How to use our self issue machines

We have two self issue machines.

They are fun and easy to use, and what’s more you can issue multiple books at a time.  Watch the short video to see just how straight forward it is.

How to use the new self check:

To borrow:

To change settings or language

See a librarian for a personal tutorial if you like.  We are always happy to help.

Happy 2013

Happy New Year and welcome back! Hope everyone has had a relaxing break – read a good book; watched a movie; downloaded some cool new apps; and discovered some new neat places in Christchurch.

There will be some changes in the Library at the start of the term. We are installing a new self issue machine which will allow you to take out a pile of books at once, rather than one at a time. It operates in the same way as the Christchurch City Libraries, using RFID technology.

Taking books out will be quicker and easier, leaving library staff with more time to help you find the information you need, introduce you to the subject guides, help you with referencing, and answer any questions you may have.

Student in shelves2_522

Good luck with your new year resolutions, ours is to help you succeed…one assignment at a time.

Sullivan Avenue library to open soon


The new Sullivan Avenue library at the Trades Innovation Institute of CPIT is scheduled to open in the next couple of weeks.  The library will have the books, DVDs, videos and magazines from the city campus library that relate to the courses taught at the Institute.   New shelving is now being installed, with the books and other materials to be moved there this week.

As the library will only be staffed limited hours, RFID technology will be in place to allow users to self issue and return books.   See the library blog of 25 March for details on this exciting technology.

Self-Service for CPIT Sullivan Ave Library

Preparations are under way for the launch of a self service library at the Sullivan Avenue branch of CPIT Library, which services the Trades Innovation Institute.   There will be no circulation desk and no circulation staff, instead staff and students will issue and return their own library material using a Self Issue machine. 

The Library is using  RFID technology which makes it much easier for library users to issue, return and renew material.  RFID also incorporates security measures that will ensure that resources are tracked and don’t go missing.   We are one of only a few New Zealand libraries using this technology.

The library is due to open in the middle of April this year as part of the Student Services building at Sullivan Avenue campus.

The Liaison Librarian for Trades Innovation Institute, Bill Hood , will be on site for a number of hours each day.  The new building  is also shared by Information & Enrolment staff, CPSA, and a student cafe, a computer commons and bookable teaching spaces.