World Architecture Day 2013


World Architecture Day, celebrated on the first Monday of October, was set up by the International Union of Architects (UIA) back in 2005 to “remind the world of its collective responsibility for the future of the human habitat”.  This year World Architecture Day has the theme ‘Culture-Architecture’ and the UIA invites its members to create events that highlight culture as a vital part of the architectural process and illustrate its potential to help resolve the challenges architects face in the practice of their profession.


This celebration is also in conjunction with United Nation’s World Habitat Day. The purpose of World Habitat Day is to reflect on  the state of our towns and cities and the basic right of all to adequate shelter. It is also intended to remind the world that we all have  responsibility to shape the future of our cities and towns.

So plenty of excuses to celebrate the extraordinary capacity of architecture and the social responsibility architects have in the future of our habitat.  So take some time out to have a look at our amazing architecture collection here at the library, for example:

Designed for Habitat Designed for Habitat : collaborations with Habitat for Humanity

The Solar House  The solar house : pioneering sustainable design

The Bad Old Days

library 2

  Students studying at Wellington Public Library. Negatives of the Evening Post newspaper. Ref: EP/1958/3627-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.

These library rules date from about 1913 – the very early days of CPIT’s library. They’re an interesting insight into a different way of doing things.


  1. Each pupil may have out of the library one book and no more at one time. So, obviously, no assignments calling for ‘at least 10 sources’…
  2. Inclusive of days of delivery and return, one week will be allowed for each book. Such lending may be renewed. One week? What can I read in one week?
  3.  If a book shall not be returned at the proper time, the borrower shall be liable for a fine of one penny per day for each day over date. For comparison, a penny would buy you a sandwich or a cup of tea in 1913 – so about $4 per day in today’s money.
  4. Books are not transferable.
  5. Books cannot be changed twice on the same day. Tough luck if you chose the wrong one.
  6. If a book shall be written in or torn, or otherwise damaged, the borrower may be required to pay the value of the book or to replace it. Some things never change!
  7. Until a pupil shall have paid the School charge, and also all fines and moneys due by him on account of books detained, lost or damaged, he shall not be entitled to use the library.

I’m sure there were also rules about quietness in the library, and about eating and drinking. I hope we’ve moved on a bit now!


CPIT Library, 2012

We try to keep our rules to a minimum, but sometimes we can’t please everyone. To avoid the dreaded late fees, keep an eye on the date your books are due, or try electronic books – they return themselves, always on time.

For a complete run-down of the library’s user regulations, see the library homepage, or pick up an ‘Everything you want to know about borrowing from the library’ pamphlet from the library desk.

After-hours returns

If you need to return Library items when the Library is closed, you will need to make sure your ID card lets you into the atrium. There is no longer a returns drop-box at the back of the Library on Coventry Street.

The video returns slot will be adjusted this week to allow for all items to be returned here.

When the Library is open, please just pop in and return items at the service desk.

The sound of silence – Quiet Study Room now available

There is a dedicated quiet study space available in the Library. The Waimakariri River Room – L215 (by the lift on Level 2) has been fitted out with study carrels to be used for silent, individual study.

Quiet Study Room L215
The design of the Library is well suited to collaborative and group study, and it has been great to see so many students enjoying the relaxed environment, making use of the wifi, the computer suites and the collections.  But we do know that sometimes you just need a quiet space to study, and it can be hard to find.
Level 2 is a designated quiet study zone, but when the Library is full and ‘humming’ downstairs, the noise flows up the open stairwell, making it hard to maintain a quiet atmosphere upstairs.
 The Waimakariri Room is now available for quiet individual study. If you are wanting to work in a group, or with a partner, please work downstairs, or book one of the other River Rooms.  
Enjoy! ….quietly.

Watching Wall Upgrade

Big changes in the Library this week with the dismantling of the TV “Watching Wall”

The Watching Wall

A unique feature of the Education Resource Centre when it was built in 1999, the satellite TV wall consisted of 12 television sets arranged together on a metal shelving unit. The tv’s were connected to what was then, the largest set of satellite receiving dishes in the South Island. It provided access to over 20 channels from around the world and the ability to simulcast 12 different channels with seperate audio feeds.

The plan is to replace the 12 screens with one large flat LCD screen providing access to all satellite channels for coverage of national and international cultural, sporting and political events. There will also be five smaller 14″ televisions hooked up to the satellite, but with DVD, USB and computer intput capability. A second large 40″ screen tv will be available on a trolley for teaching purposes and group work.

While the Watching Wall was an innovative and attractive feature of the Library, technology has moved on  –  Television sets have become slimmer ..and smarter, and people catch up with international news via the internet.

News from the BBC
Al Jazeera website
China Network TV

News from USA
Upgrading the TV’s in the Library provides greater flexibility,
allowing students to keep up to date with international news, watch a DVD, or use a larger tv for group work, with a large fixed screen for following important global events such as …. the Rugby World Cup !
The new screens should be installed for the start of the new term.


After-shocks closed CPIT campus on Monday 13th June. The buildings have all been checked and no structural damage reported. The campus will re-open to students on Monday 20th June. Library staff will be tidying up over the next couple of days to make sure the Library is ready to open on Monday at 8am.

We hope all staff and students are staying safe and warm, and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Library Open Queen’s Birthday Weekend

The Library will be open as usual this weekend.

Saturday 10am – 5pm                                        

Sunday 12 noon – 5pm

We will be closed on Monday 6th June

There is a IT outage planned for this weekend. On Saturday 4th June  there will be no printing, photocopying, or computer network access 

Full access should resume on Sunday 5th

The Library will be open as a warm place to study. We can issue books manually, although the catalogue and website will not be available to help you find resources.

Ask a Librarian and they will be able to point you in the right direction for books, journals and AV resources.

Library Book Sale

Autumn is here, with winter just around the corner – the perfect time to stock up on some leisure reading.

  Space is a bit tight around the library, and to make room for new books we have to     (reluctantly) part with some older ones. So come to the library and grab yourself a bargain. There are magazines, gardening books, travel books, and novels – from thrillers to romance to fantasy. There is something for everyone and we want it all to go to good homes.

Books, $2, Magazines, $1

Mention this blog when purchasing to get your stash half price!

The COWS came home

After the earthquake, the laptops that we had for loan in the library were needed to help with teaching classes out at Hornby. Now that the Library is open again the Computers On WheelS have come home. There are 10 laptops available, each with a CD/DVD drive and the complete Microsoft Office 2010 installed.They are issued for 3 hours at a time and automatically detect CPIT  Wifi.

While there is no printing available via wifi, there is a computer in the High-Use area in the Library (directly behind the Service Desk) that is available for you to log-in and, using a pen-drive, print your work.

Laptops available for loan