Read all about it!

The Library subscribes to PressDisplay, the world’s largest online database of newspapers and magazines from around the world. There are over 1,000 titles,  from more than 82 countries in 39 languages, available as soon as they are published. You can browse through a complete newspaper, turning the pages by clicking on the downturned corner, search across all titles for a specific topic, or view only photographic images.

Navigation is easy, you can search by keyword and restrict your seach by publication, country or language. Once you have located an article you can enlarge the print, comment on the article, read other comments, listen to the article, translate it into another language, print it, or share it through facebook, email, Twitter or a range of other social networks.

The Library subscription allows for 3 simultaneous users and is accessible 24 X 7 from the Library website. It provides access to international news journalism which can be used to support a range of studies, and offers a sense of community to many international students.

Find PressDisplay on the Library website under Online Resources and Databases – All database resources

Check out this short video  for an introduction to PressDisplay.

Poster presentations!

Do you have to prepare a poster presentation for a conference?
Do you have an assignment requiring you to make a poster?
The library has several books on poster presentations including,

Adelheid, A., & Pexman, P. (2007). Displaying your findings : a practical guide for creating figures, posters and presentations. Washington, DC : American Psychological Association.  

Gosling, P. (1999). Scientist’s guide to poster presentations. New York: Kluwer Academic.

Zeegers, P., Deller-Evans, K., Egege, S., & Klinger, C. (2008). Essential skills for science and technology. Melbourne, Aust. : Oxford University Press.

Graphic Novels at CPIT Library

Graphic novels are equally known for their plots as they are for their artwork. The CPIT Library has recently purchased a few new anthologies and books to showcase some of the varied styles found in this unique genre where images tell just as much (and sometimes more) of the story as the words do.

 But, where to start?

Your first stop might want to be An Anthology of Graphic Fiction, Cartoons & True Stories, edited by Ivan Brunetti.  It was voted “Outstanding” by the Association of American University Presses (AAUP) in 2007 and the collection covers over seventy-five artists including some well-known names like Robert Crumb, Art Spiegelman, Chris Ware, Charles Burnes, Daniel Clowes, Lynda Barry and Jaime and Gilbert Hernandez. Brunetti has also selected a few ‘classic’ comics like Peanuts and Krazy Kat to round out this broad overview of the genre.
Read more

Library Week 2009

Library Week
Library Week

Library Week is a week-long celebration of libraries and librarianship in New Zealand. It is a chance for librarians and library-lovers alike to honour the role libraries play in a community. This year the theme is Escape, Explore, Discover: Ki te whai ao, ki te ao marama and will be taking place at libraries throughout the country 10th – 16th August.

Check out the website for information on the 35-year history of the event, chances to enter online competitions and to find out what your local library has in store for you during the week.

Academic Onefile

Academic Onefile The CPIT Library now provide access to Academic Onefile. We are subscribing to this resource through the EPIC Consortium, a group of New Zealand libraries that collaborate to aquire resources.

Published by Gale Cengage Learning the interface and searching functions of Academic Onefile should be familier to library customers. A wide range of academic subjects are covered including physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences and art.

Try Academic Onefile