English Language… dictionaries, grammar, punctuation

Locate the huge collection of material supporting language studies by using the  subject alphabetical search in the Library Catalogue.

  • In the search for box type in the subject you are looking for, e.g.  English language. 
  • In the search by box select  subject alphabetical
  • Click on search.
  • The list is many pages long – click on the next button to move through the pages
  • Click on the subject that best meets your need to see a list of the books held.

If you are looking for grammar books or punctuation or dictionaries, for example,
you can add more information to the search box at the beginning and this will take you
closer to the required subject area.   For example:

English language – grammar

English language – punctuation

There must be a better way

If your search strategy on the Web is to type in a few words, get millions of results and scroll through them, then read on.  There is a better way.  It’s called Advanced Search.  You will get fewer and better focused results for the time you spend searching the Web.

For example, do you use Google (www.google.com) with the single search box?  If yes, then go to Google Advanced Search by clicking on the link at the end of that box.  Here is the advanced search screen.


The first box you see is titled, all these words. It is the same single box you have been using (with all its limitations).

On the second line is a box labelled: this exact wording or phrase.  This is a great way to narrow your results and focus only on words that appear in an exact order. 

The third row of boxes asks for, one or more of these words.  This is a good way to use words with similar meanings (synonyms) in your search, or help modify your results to include one word or another. 

If needed, you can use all three rows of boxes at once to make a very exact search strategy.
Look at the image above for additional ways of refining your search.

Many databases available through the Library also have an advanced search screen.

Seen the film? Now read the book.

Cinemas have been overrun with book adaptations over the past few months….You might have seen The Lovely Bones, The Time Traveller’s Wife, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo or perhaps New Moon (of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series). Maybe you didn’t get a chance to read the book before seeing the film? If so, why not check out the Library’s fiction collection (located near the Library desk), where you can find all these titles and more…

Happy Twenty Ten

Happy New Year to all staff and students. Hope you have had a relaxing break.

Have you made some resolutions? The start of a new year is a perfect opportunity to make promises you may ..or may not… keep. I resolve to call this year twenty ten and to read more NZ Blogs

In the Library we have four new staff members – Bill Hood joined us at the end of last year and is the Liaison Librarian for Trades Innovation Institute, including the School of Engineering. Naomi Shaw is the new Liaison Librarian for Faculty of Commerce, and Meg Upjohn is starting later in January as the Liaison Librarian for Creative Industries. Amanda He is a new Assistant Librarian, starting on Jan 18th.

From everyone at CPIT Library, Learning and Information Services we look forward to working with you this year and hope to see you in the Library, or hear from you, via the blog or website feedback.