Key Nursing Textbooks Available Online During COVID-19 Lockdown

Wolters Kluwer have kindly extended our trial access from 25/5/20 until 25/6/20 although access may be delayed briefly from 25/5/20 in the transition to the extended trial period. 

Access these Ovid Books from Wolters Kluwer here.

How To Access the Textbooks

  1. Click on the link above
  2. Login with your Moodle username and password

3. Choose the title you want to access, and select View in Book Reader  (eg. Nursing research)

4. A page with the book will open. Search by clicking on the magnifying glass icon on the top left.

5. To browse the book, click on “Table of contents” and get to the lowest level. Eg. content won’t display if you click on “Part 1″, you have to click on a (sub)chapter ” – Research problems…”

You can also access this from the Books/Ebooks tab of the  Nursing, Midwifery and Osteopathy subject guides and from Databases A-Z / Ovid Books

The online books are also now available through our Primo search catalog.

Please contact us if you have trouble accessing the books.

Learning in Difficult Times: 10 MOOC for Library Staff Members

As of yesterday, all librarians across New Zealand are staying at home. It’s an unusual and unprecedented situation. I’m sure that a lot of librarians can keep working from home and have some projects for their libraries to develop.

But I also think that there are plenty of librarians whose primary role is customer service and they might not have too many projects that they could work on while spending the following weeks in self-isolation. For them but also for many others including me it’s a great time to work on our self-development.

Developing new skills is something we know that we should be doing. However, in our busy day-to-day library duties there is often not enough time to do so.

I’m bringing you a few tips on MOOC (Massive Online Open Course), with regard to which content could be useful in your library job. You might find that some of the courses below are not suited for your particular library role, but I don’t intend to provide an exhaustive list of the massive online open courses suitable for a librarian. I’d like you to get inspired to use the following weeks in a productive and positive way.

10 Online MOOC for Librarians

1. Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

In this course you’ll learn how to learn. Learning and memory techniques, dealing with procrastination and many more. The course provides a good foundation for your future studies.

2. How To Create a Website in a Weekend! (Project-Centered Course)

Each library would benefit from having its own website or a blog. In this course you’ll learn how to do that in a way that is best suited for your needs. Not many MOOC are project-centered so take this opportunity while you can!

3. Copyright for Educators & Librarians

The course is focused on the problem of copyright in U.S. libraries. Even though it’s about U.S. copyright, it’s highly valuable as many sites like Wikipedia follows U.S. copyright law.

4. Search Education Online

This is an education course provided by Google. You can learn how to improve your Google search skills and how to become a more effective and faster fact finder. What else could be more essential in the Time of Google?

5. Excel Skills for Business Specialization

There is barely a more versatile and valuable skill than mastering Excel. Once you become an expert in Excel, you’ll be a valuable workmate in any office. The course is focused on its business use but what’s useful for business can surely be used in the library environment too.

6. Strategic Planning for Public Libraries

This is quite an essential MOOC for a variety of libraries. Explore methods of effective planning and its delivery. The course is provided by The University of Michigan.

7. Public Library Marketing and Public Relations

Learn how to develop effective marketing and PR strategies to help share your library’s programs, services, and value with the broader community.

8. Identifying Community Needs for Public Library Management

The course provides an overview on how to design research, surveys, and interviews. You can also learn how to analyse data to better assess the local wants and needs of a public library community.

9. Become a Data Analyst

This is a slightly more specialized course for librarians who work with data. You’ll learn how to use Python, SQL, and statistics for your data-drive library solutions.

10. Masterpieces of World Literature

This is a course for more “classic” librarians provided by Harvard University. From The Epic of Gilgamesh to Goethe.

The Library is Shutting its Offline Doors but the Online Door is Staying Open!

All Ara libraries are now closed until further notice. All our online services remain open from Monday to Friday, 8AM-5PM. That includes:

  • AskLive – Online chat with a librarian, our primary means of contact and support (the other is e-mail –
  • Databases – There will be no changes to database access. You can still access all of our databases from home.
  • Interloans – We’ll keep delivering online articles that are not available in our databases (e-mail –

Borrowing Books

Unfortunately we can’t issue any books while library is closed.

If you have a current book or a magazine on loan, the due dates have been extended until we reopen. Please don’t try to return any books back to the library. You won’t receive any overdue fines.

Take Care of Yourself

We’re going through challenging times so please take care of yourself and your families and be kind.

For further updates, please keep an eye on our social media and blog.

COVID-19 Resources

As the world grapples with the COVID-19 crisis, we wanted to share some resources with the Ara community. We all need to work together to slow the spread and protect the most vulnerable among us.

Take a look at the resources below to help you be prepared in the coming days and weeks.

How to protect yourself and others

And for a little fun, some new ways to greet each other!

“Alternatives to Handshakes, Hugs, High Fives and Hongi” by Toby Morris is licensed under CC-BY-SA

Student Life: The Ara Tramping Club

Being a student is about hard work, striving to attain your goals and being your best possible self. But all work and no fun is a sure fire way to burn yourself out…even the most conscientious student needs to take a little down time to recharge those batteries.

Hard work is good but the body also needs emotional nourishment…

To that end there are a number of different clubs at Ara which cater to different interests. From sports clubs, cultural clubs to groups for social get togethers there are groups for everyone.

One activity that is personally close to my heart is tramping. Tramping is the word we use in New Zealand to describe hiking/walking trips into the outdoors. A tramp could range from a couple of hours walking to monster 10+ day expeditions to remote Wilderness Areas. There is no better way to experience New Zealand’s legendary scenic delights that by walking there on your own two feet.

Classic New Zealand tramping: sand beaches, swing-bridges and bush….

…..and mountain and stream…

Here at Ara we actually have a student tramping club which caters to this interest. The Ara Tramping Club was set up in 2019 by a group of students and aims to assist both the novice and the experienced back country trekker to find experience and companionship while outdoors.

Article about the Ara Tramping Club in the Feb/Mar edition of Waha Korero

There is a long history of club tramping in this country and it is an excellent way to find people with a similar interest in the outdoors. It also allows you to access the skills and experience more seasoned trampers have and is the best way to begin your introduction to this most excellent pursuit.

Photos of a 2019 Ara Tramping Club trip to Woolshed Creek, Mt Somers

There is a recent article in the Ara student magazine, Waha Korero (February/March 2020) about the Ara Tramping Club. It is well worth a read if you are looking to join a club to get outdoors. They are actively seeking members (both experienced and inexperienced) and would love to hear from you.

Port William Hut, Rakuira, backcountry huts are the focus of tramping in New Zealand


You can contact the club via email at or on Facebook @AraTramping. The club also advertises their regular planning meetings around the Campus. If you are a student, love the forests and hills and want to experience the essence of New Zealand then you should drop them a line.

I hope to see many of you out in the backcountry…

….may your lunches be dry, your huts empty and your wood sheds full….