Combine Google scholar with Ara library resources to super charge your search

The latest Ara Library “how do I” video shows you how to set up google scholar so it will search within Ara library databases, not just publicly available sources. This means it will show you links to articles you get special access to as Ara students and staff. Sweet as! Check out the video here

Library hours over the Easter Weekend/ANZAC Day break

All campuses of Ara Institute of Canterbury will be closed over the Easter break. We will also be closed on Thursday 25th April to observe the ANZAC Day commemorations.

The following are the hours at our City campus, Madras Street campus.


Our Library Services at Manawa campus will be closed from Friday 19th April to Friday 26th April. Normal services resume at Manawa on Monday 29th April.

Our Library Services on the Timaru campus will be available on Wednesday 24th April and Friday 26th April from 8am to 5pm over the Easter break. Normal library hours will resume from Monday 29th April at Timaru campus.

This year is unique because Easter Weekend and ANZAC Day are separated by only one workday. Most businesses, tertiary providers and government departments will therefore be open on Wednesday the 24th April and Friday the 26th April.


The Library’s normal hours of operation at City campus, Christchurch  will resume from Friday 26th April.

From all of us in the Library, we hope you enjoy your break!

My Endnote hacks

Particularly useful for postgraduate studies is software called Endnote. It is a versatile reference management tool which allows you to:

  • Store, manage, organise and search your APA references in a personal library
  • Create bibliographies.
  • Import references from Ara databases, Google Scholar, Worldcat and more.
  • Create in-text citations and reference lists in word documents automatically.

EndNote Is free for Ara students and staff. Ara recommends and supports EndNote X8. 

You can download it to your personal device from the Ara Endnote Subject Guide.

Staff can contact ICT to have Endnote deployed to their Ara device and City campus students can access the software in L131 computers in the Library and L247, L248 and L249. It is also deployed to two study room computers at City campus for collaborative work in L225 and L226.

Here a few tips I have used to customise my Endnote library so I have all the information I need at my fingertips when writing up my assignments.

  1. Drag and drop PDFs into Endnote for automatic citation population

Look for the Bottom-Split option in the Layout tab which is in the bottom right corner of Endnote Library in Windows. This will allow you to drag and drop or attach your Science Direct and Pub Med articles in the box for PDF attachments to populate the citation details automatically.

2. All book citations are available in Worldcat.

For any title click Cite / Export to download the Endnote citation file to import in to Endnote.

3. Import journal article citations from Google Scholar

Click the hamburger icon and then the Settings cog in Google Scholar and choose Endnote in the Bibliography manager next to Show links to import citations into

4. Save a backup of your Endnote to the cloud 

It is useful to back up your library to the cloud using File / Compressed library (enlx) and replace that file whenever you update Endnote. That way if your Endnote ever gets accidentally corrupted you can always reinstate it from your compressed file. Make sure your compressed file is moved to a hard drive before opening it in Endnote.

Setting up APA for Ara using Cite While You Write (CWYW)

1. Change font or line spacing in your reference list using Endnote X8 ribbon in Word

Change font or line spacing in your reference list in Word using the options arrow in the Bibliography section of the Endnote X8 ribbon and select Layout to add your preferences e.g.

2. Refer to the APA guide for Ara students from within Endnote to check your citations are completely correct

Add a new citation into your Endnote Library for  the APA guide for Ara Institute of Canterbury students and attach the PDF.  Now you can use the search feature in Endnote for that PDF to find the relevant page for the type of citation you need to check. e.g. ebook

3. Before you hand in your assignment you can remove all Endnote formatting to make little changes to your reference list like add Retrieved from Proquest Ebook Central etc. Click on “convert citations and bibliography” and choose “Convert to plain text“. This will create a completely separate document you can edit at will. This is useful if your output is for a publisher and they want your copy without Endnote formatting.


Note : It is also worth uploading the Basic Endnote guide and the Advanced Endnote guide to search for other useful Endnote tips straight from your Endnote Library.

The library also runs Endnote Q &A clinics  at City campus once a month. See the Free study skills workshops timetable  in My Ara for the next session. See you there!

E Tū! Stand Up! Racism is not welcome here.

As the days turn into weeks since the March 15th terrorist attacks on Masjid Al Noor and Linwood Masjid, there has been much discussion in the media and our communities about what everyone needs to do to challenge racism and islamophobia.

Muslim people have long spoken out about the need to address islamophobia in Aotearoa/New Zealand and non-Muslim people of all ages are starting to step up. These high school students stood up and spoke out when they witnessed islamophobia on a bus recently and 95 year old John Sato put extra effort to take part in a March against Racism in Auckland / Tāmaki Makaurau. Small actions that we take every day can contribute to more inclusive communities, and challenges white supremacy and more extreme violence. This idea is shown visually in the ‘Pyramid of White Supremacy’ diagram.

“In the pyramid, every brick depends on the ones below it for support. If the bricks at the bottom are removed, the whole structure comes tumbling down.” Image from

But what does speaking out look like? And how do you get over your shyness or discomfort to speak up? French Artist Marie Shirine Yener created this comic to show people how you might intervene if you witness Islamophobic harrassment in public.

If you experience racist or islamophobic harassment, Ara provides support and information to address issues and maintain our Campuses as safer spaces where the rights of students and staff are respected. Our independent Student Advocate and registered counsellor Duncan Dunbar’s job is to support you by listening, providing information on procedures for addressing concerns and advocating on your behalf. As well as support services at Ara, the Human Rights Commission offers a free, informal enquiries and complaints service to deal with discrimination and racial and sexual harassment issues.
If at any time you feel concerned about your safety on campus, you can call the security team on 03 940 8076 for immediate help.

We are all in this together. By looking out for each other, we are living the Ara value of Aroha/Respect and creating more inclusive and safer communities.