Ka kite Lincoln

On Wednesday last week, Library and Learning Services made the decision to stop services at Lincoln University and will move back to Madras Street permanently on July 4th. That will end 12 weeks of providing academic support and Library services to our Nursing and Commerce students based there.

Twelve weeks ago, Learning Services staff were sandwiched between the two sliding doors in the foyer of Lincoln’s library. We didn’t mind as we were very visible and April was a sunny, warm month. We had a great view and a couple of comfy sofas to relax on. However, they proved not to be so suitable for holding appointments. And once the weather became cold and rainy, we had to carefully manoeuvre our way around the myriad pairs of gumboots!

That is one of several memorable sights; the many pairs of mud-splattered gumboots lined up at the library door, waiting patiently for their owners to return from within. The other striking memory is of the beer garden where, on those fine days, students could be found drawing sustenance between their lectures.

CPIT Learning Services at Lincoln

When winter arrived we moved our desks, our handouts and ourselves into the library proper. It was a busy time for the learning advisors as the first batch of assignments neared their due date and CPIT students sought appointments. As we were still very conspicuous, we also got requests from the Lincoln students for help. The Lincoln librarians and academic advisors were very friendly and supportive, and the only downside was the travel… and the long walk to the NRE building.

It was pretty much business as usual for the learning advisors based at Lincoln. It’s a beautiful campus with friendly staff and students, but… we’re pleased to be coming home.

Library and Learning Services at Lincoln

CPIT students and staff located at Lincoln University are able to see familiar faces in the Lincoln library. Since March Library and Learning Services staff have been working out at Lincoln to provide all of our usual services, including help with finding information and assignment support. Lincoln has been very generous in providing space and  resources to enable us to support our School of Nursing, Business, Science and Computing students. We will be staying at Lincoln until CPIT students and staff return to the Madras St. campus.

Library and Learning Services staff working out of Lincoln University Library since the February earthquake


After-shocks closed CPIT campus on Monday 13th June. The buildings have all been checked and no structural damage reported. The campus will re-open to students on Monday 20th June. Library staff will be tidying up over the next couple of days to make sure the Library is ready to open on Monday at 8am.

We hope all staff and students are staying safe and warm, and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Blob out with our new leisure books

If you want some time out from your study or work, why not grab one of our new leisure books which are now on display in the library and can be checked out immediately.

Incidentally our leisure collection is not only fiction, we have biographies, travel writing and memoirs for you to enjoy.  For instance Julie Powell (author of best seller Julie & Julia) has a new book out called Cleaving which describes somewhat graphically her personal experience working in a popular New York butchery, as well as her secret affair on the side.

If you are into murder and mayhem read Swedish author Jo Nesbo’s latest book, The Leopard, or if this is far too grim for your sensibilities The Secret Lives of Dresses by Erin McKean is a light romantic story centred in a vintage clothing store.

Our leisure collection is now housed next to the music room on the ground floor in the eastern corner of the library.

Talofa Lava

Samoan Language Week

Samoan Language Week is an opportunity to celebrate the Samoan language in New Zealand, to recognise the language and culture of Samoan New Zealanders, to build bridges between cultures and to ensure that the language continues to be used widely in New Zealand in the future.


There are over 130,000 Samoan New Zealanders. The Samoan community is the fourth largest ethnic community after NZ Europeans (2,381,000), Māori (565,000), and Chinese (147,000). The Samoan language is the third most commonly spoken language in New Zealand after English and Māori.

If you see someone wearing a garland of lollies – an Ula lolly …greet them in Samoan and pass it on!

Check out the new Pasifika Collection in the Library for great resources.