Summer reads

CPIT library have an impressive and varied collection of current fiction and with many new additions to the collection this month there is something for everyone:


Moore, A. (2012). The Lighthouse

Futh, middle-aged and recently separated, stands on the outer deck of a North Sea ferry. He is heading to Germany for a restorative walking holiday, yet he cannot forget his mother’s abandonment of him as a boy and his first trip to Germany with his newly single father. It was on this first trip that he neglected to do something, and this omission threatens to have devastating repercussions the second time around.  shortlisted for the 2012 Man Booker Prize.






Kingsolver, B. (2012). Flight behaviour: a novel

Flight Behavior transfixes from its opening scene, when a young woman’s narrow experience of life is thrown wide with the force of a raging fire. In the lyrical language of her native Appalachia, Barbara Kingsolver bares the rich, tarnished humanity of her novel’s inhabitants and unearths the modern complexities of rural existence. Characters and reader alike are quickly carried beyond familiar territory here, into the unsettled ground of science, faith, and everyday truces between reason and conviction.




imagesCA5DJ54LMoyes, J. (2012). The girl you left behind

In 1916 French artist Edouard Lefevre leaves his wife Sophie to fight at the Front. When her town falls into German hands, his portrait of Sophie stirs the heart of the local Kommandant and causes her to risk everything – her family, reputation and life – in the hope of seeing her true love one last time. Nearly a century later and Sophie’s portrait is given to Liv by her young husband shortly before his sudden death. Its beauty speaks of their short life together, but when the painting’s dark and passion-torn history is revealed, Liv discovers that the first spark of love she has felt since she lost him is threatened… In The Girl You Left Behind two young women, separated by a century, are united in their determination to fight for the thing they love most – whatever the cost.




imagesCAM59M90Jonasson, J. (2012). The one hundred year old man who climbed out the window and disappeared.

Sitting quietly in his room in an old people’s home, Allan Karlsson is waiting for a party he doesn’t want to begin. His one-hundredth birthday party to be precise. The Mayor will be there. The press will be there. But, as it turns out, Allan will not …Escaping (in his slippers) through his bedroom window, into the flowerbed, Allan makes his getaway. And so begins his picaresque and unlikely journey involving a suitcase full of cash, a few thugs, a very friendly hot-dog stand operator, a few deaths, an elephant and incompetent police. As his escapades unfold, Allan’s earlier life is revealed. A life in which – remarkably – he played a key role behind the scenes in some of the momentous events of the twentieth century. The One Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared is a charming, warm and funny novel, beautifully woven with history and politics.



May, S. (2012). Life! Death! Prizes!

Billy’s Mum is dead. He knows – because he reads about it in magazines – that people die every day in ways that are more random and tragic and stupid than hers, but for nineteen-year-old Billy and his little brother, Oscar, their mother’s death in a bungled street robbery is the most random and tragic and stupid thing that could possibly have happened to them. Now Billy must be both mother and father to Oscar, and despite what his well-meaning aunt, the PTA mothers, the social services and Oscar’s own prodigal father all think, he knows he is more than up to the job, thank you very much. The boys’ new world, where bedtimes are arbitrary, tidiness is optional and healthy home-cooked meals pile up uneaten in the freezer, is built out of chaos and fierce love, but it’s also a world that teeters perilously on its axis. And as Billy’s obsession with his mother’s missing killer grows, he risks losing sight of the one thing that really matters.



Other new titles include:

Blob out with our new leisure books

If you want some time out from your study or work, why not grab one of our new leisure books which are now on display in the library and can be checked out immediately.

Incidentally our leisure collection is not only fiction, we have biographies, travel writing and memoirs for you to enjoy.  For instance Julie Powell (author of best seller Julie & Julia) has a new book out called Cleaving which describes somewhat graphically her personal experience working in a popular New York butchery, as well as her secret affair on the side.

If you are into murder and mayhem read Swedish author Jo Nesbo’s latest book, The Leopard, or if this is far too grim for your sensibilities The Secret Lives of Dresses by Erin McKean is a light romantic story centred in a vintage clothing store.

Our leisure collection is now housed next to the music room on the ground floor in the eastern corner of the library.

Library Book Sale

Autumn is here, with winter just around the corner – the perfect time to stock up on some leisure reading.

  Space is a bit tight around the library, and to make room for new books we have to     (reluctantly) part with some older ones. So come to the library and grab yourself a bargain. There are magazines, gardening books, travel books, and novels – from thrillers to romance to fantasy. There is something for everyone and we want it all to go to good homes.

Books, $2, Magazines, $1

Mention this blog when purchasing to get your stash half price!

Seen the film? Now read the book.

Cinemas have been overrun with book adaptations over the past few months….You might have seen The Lovely Bones, The Time Traveller’s Wife, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo or perhaps New Moon (of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series). Maybe you didn’t get a chance to read the book before seeing the film? If so, why not check out the Library’s fiction collection (located near the Library desk), where you can find all these titles and more…