Where are we going?

…and how will we know when we get there?

Libraries as we know them, have changed over the past 10 years or so. In fact, theyhaven’t stopped changing since the first Mechanics Institute and Exchange Libraries were introduced in New Zealand in the mid 1800’s


Academic Libraries have evolved from silent hallowed halls, to the busy, vibrant, learning spaces that we all know and love…or not.  Libraries have become ‘blended spaces’.

At CPIT the Library is a place to meet, to study, to share ideas, to work with others on presentations, and discuss projects. The availability of pc’s, study rooms, laptops, t.v’s, photocopiers, printers, books, journals, and access to the support and expertise of Librarians and Learning Advisors, combine to make it a lively, and occasionally overwhelming, place to be. 

I recently read an interesting Blog by Stephen Bell, talking about academic Libraries, learning technologies and the user experience. He looks at the future of academic Libraries and the people who work in them.

Saltire Centre

Māori Collection – New resources – 19 October 2011

Click on any title below to view its details in our Primo Library catalogue. If you would like to request any of these, sign in first and then select Request. (Hint: the sign in is in the top right corner once you have clicked on the resource.

Fitzgerald (2011) Te Wiremu : Henry Williams : early years in the North

Ko Aotearoa tēnei: a report into claims concerning New Zealand Law and policy affecting Maori culture

Love, Harry (2011) Hurai : a play

McDowall (2011) Ikawai: freshwater fishes in Maori culture

Tamarapa (ed.) (2011) Whatu kakahu

Taylor, Apirana (2009) A canoe in midstream

Your Feedback

We are always happy to hear from staff and students about Library Services. Here is a selection of comments we received recently…. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/images/

“The POD is the only computer suite after hours.  We used to have more.   Why are they closed?”

“Security staff need to monitor the behaviour in the POD at night.”

We have asked Facilities Management to provide access to at least one other computer suite as an alternative to the POD as an after-hours study room. When using CPIT facilities at night please be considerate to other people, and follow the same etiquette as during the day.

“All computer labs should be quiet zones with security or staff checking.”          

“There are no regulations in this library.” “A library should be a quiet place to study.  It’s a very noisy library.”

The Library is a popular destination for students, and is often busy and noisy. We do appreciate that some people need a quiet place to to study, and we have quiet zones on Level 2 with study carrels, benches and tables; and downstairs in the Gateway (L122) at the back of the Library. The Music Room and leisure reading corner also tend to be quieter, further away from the main entrance.  The Rakaia River Room on the first floor is also a quiet study room.  We endeavour to monitor noise levels, and behaviour so please let us know if you are being disturbed.

     People talking on cell phones are very annoying when I am studying.”                                     

Cellphones are to be on SILENT while you are in the Library.  Please go into the Atrium to take calls.  People tend to speak loudly on phones and it does disturb others.

Some people are not very considerate – they have loud music – are messy with food – rattle their belongings.  I’m trying to study!!  “                     Headphones Clip Art

If you are using headphones to listen to music, please keep the volume down so that other people cannot hear the music, or base sounds, which are very annoying when you are studying.       


When you fill out feedback forms can you please PRINT your contact details so that we can answer your questions.  Sometimes we cannot read the email addresses.                                                                          
