ANZAC Day 25 April

Photo by Bart Ros on Unsplash

Blog contributed by Linda Hepburn, Learning and Disability Advisor

Originally observed to mark the Gallipoli landings, ANZAC Day has been a focal point for remembrance since its inception in 1916. A public holiday means communities can take the time to stop and reflect on the sacrifice of generations of armed forces personnel who have served their country.

Check out the links for events and services being held in Oamaru, Timaru, Ashburton and Christchurch. They’re a great chance to learn more about some of the conflicts that have involved New Zealanders.

 One familiar part of any ANZAC ceremony is The Ode – part of a Laurence Binyon poem called “For the Fallen”.  Click on the link to see both the Te Reo and English versions, plus a version for the 28th Māori Battalion and special preludes for the Merchant Navy.

To listen to the ode in both Te Reo and English and hear the haunting Last Post, check out the above link from Brass Whanganui.

Please remember that all Ara campuses will be closed on Thursday for Anzac Day.

Movies to catch up on over the holidays

Did you know as an Ara student or staff member that you can access lots of educational video and movies in our eTV database.

The following two movies currently in eTV are based on true stories.


During World War II, Lt. Gen. Leslie Groves Jr. appoints physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer to work on the top-secret Manhattan Project. Oppenheimer and a team of scientists spend years developing and designing the atomic bomb. Their work comes to fruition on July 16, 1945, as they witness the world’s first nuclear explosion, forever changing the course of history.

Next goal wins

Dutch coach Thomas Rongen attempts the nearly impossible task of turning the American Samoa soccer team from perennial losers into winners. A documentary film by our very own Taika Waititi.

To access eTV just add your Ara email address in to box that pops up and wait for the Green SSO button to appear and click this and add your Ara network password when prompted and you will be able to watch eTV content at your leisure. Find eTV instructions here also. If you have any issues with access email

Happy holiday viewing!

Image: Pixabay

The 48 Hour Film Festival is nearly upon us….

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

The 48 Hour Film Festival is a frenetic New Zealand competition which begins In May and it is open to everyone all over Aotearoa and beyond. In 48 hours you and/or your team need to make a short 5 minute film with certain criteria. The prize money is $5,000. The festival kicks off on Friday 17th May, and this is when participants get given their unique genre of film, dialogue and characters.

This competition has been going for 15 years, and from my sources (who didn’t end up winning anything) it is fantastic fun. However don’t expect getting much sleep that weekend. Also they said to have plenty of snacks at the ready and leave lots of time for editing your film/masterpiece.

If you want to know more details about the 48 hour film festival check out the YouTube video below” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” referrerpolicy=”strict-origin-when-cross-origin” allowfullscreen>