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By Colleen Finnerty, Knowledge Advisor

Change in life is unavoidable and can often be uncomfortable. One area in life that is constantly changing is technology. It just seems the other day that I was borrowing VHS videos at the video store, yes videos, not DVD’s.

Not all technical change is bad or uncomfortable. In fact, usually it can make life much easier once you get the “gist” of it. To help you navigate the choppy waters of technical change we have Lynda.com – an online resource that allows you to watch videos and complete exercises to develop your knowledge and skills in your own time. Here are some examples of the 83,000 instructional videos in Lynda.com:

  • B2B Foundations: Social Media Marketing – Learn how social media marketing works
  • Learn Excel Online – My least favourite software explained!
  • AutoCAD 2018 Essential training – A powerful designing and drafting software
  • Illustrator for fashion design : Drawing flats – Drawing for fashion
  • Whitening teeth in Photoshop – Um?

Whatever your course is there is something to help, from figuring out how to perfect a Word document to doing something with Python, a readable object-oriented language in this instance, not the snake.

Your library provides access to a number of online resources to aid you in your change from knowledge navigator to captain of your own destiny.

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